Category: News

Weekly News Coverage by Ms. Violet #4

Hello, my besties! This is Miss Violet with the news of the week! If you love cats but don’t want to take care of them, this is news to you!A Chinese startup has created a robotic cat.MarsCat behaves almost like a real cat: it can play, knead a pillow

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Coverage by Ms Violet #3

Weekly News Coverage by Ms. Violet #3

Hello, my cool ones! This is Miss Violet, and today is the news of the week! This is the news for you if you don’t like banking apps; in the future, it will be possible to remove banking applications from the phone – all information will be able to display

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Weekly News Coverage By Ms. Violet #2

Weekly News Coverage by Ms. Violet #2

Hello, my cool ones!Here’s Miss Violet, and today we’re going to cover the news of the weekThis is the news for you if you want to learn how to play the piano, аnd it’s all with the help of AR glasses. It’s a great way to do it, it’s worth

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News from Miss Violet

Weekly News Coverage by Ms. Violet #1

Hello, my curious ones!Let’s take a walk through this week’s technology news!So what do we have: Saudi Arabia wants to build a future city. The most exciting project in it is the horizontal skyscraper “The Line”. It is 170 kilometers long, 500 meters high, and costs $1 trillion. Maybe someone

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