Month: September 2022

Weekly News Coverage by Ms. Violet #4

Hello, my besties! This is Miss Violet with the news of the week! If you love cats but don’t want to take care of them, this is news to you!A Chinese startup has created a robotic cat.MarsCat behaves almost like a real cat: it can play, knead a pillow

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AI Adoption

AI Adoption Across Industries

The market for Artificial Intelligence is expected to reach $270 billion by 2027. A whopping $15.7 trillion AI market is expected to emerge by 2030. While 77% of consumers already use a machine’s artificial intelligence capabilities, only 33% know they’re doing so.

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Coverage by Ms Violet #3

Weekly News Coverage by Ms. Violet #3

Hello, my cool ones! This is Miss Violet, and today is the news of the week! This is the news for you if you don’t like banking apps; in the future, it will be possible to remove banking applications from the phone – all information will be able to display

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